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  5. How to disable notifications of new orders on Shopify?

How to disable notifications of new orders on Shopify?

Understanding the Issue:

When migrating orders to Shopify, each transferred order is treated as a new order by the platform, triggering email notifications for every migrated order. This impacts store owners only; customers won’t receive any emails about past orders.

A helpful tip: When migrating with LitExtension, you’ll receive a notification at step 1 to remind you to disable these alerts.

Follow the simple steps below to disable new order alerts and prevent an influx of unnecessary notifications:

1. To disable notifications for the store owner:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to Settings -> Notifications.
  • Scroll down to the Order Notifications section and disable it.

2. To temporarily disable notifications for staff members:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to Settings -> Notifications.
  • Click Staff Notifications.
  • For each staff member, adjust their notification settings:
    • To deactivate notifications, select Turn off.
    • To reactivate notifications, select Turn on.

how to disable shopify notifications



Important: If you have any marketing Shopify plugins (e.g., Shopify Flow, Conversion) installed that use order triggers to automate tasks, it’s crucial to disable these plugins before migration. This will prevent your customers from receiving unwanted emails like “Order created,” “Order fulfilled,” or “Order paid.”

By following these steps, you can effectively manage new order notifications and avoid unnecessary email clutter during and after your data migration with LitExtension.

In case you have any other questions, please reach out to us via:

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