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  5. How to export database from Volusion to CSV Files when you got server down error?

How to export database from Volusion to CSV Files when you got server down error?

When you have been exporting files from Volusion, if Volusion has a lot of data, it will show error 502 Bad Gateway.

502 Bad Gateway

You don’t need to select the option Check All on Columns. Could you please check list fields which are used on your migration:


Could you please check list fields: ID, productcode, productname, hideproduct, stockstatus, lastmodified, ischildofproductcode, productnameshort, productweight, recurringprice, productprice, listprice, saleprice, metatag_title, metatag_description, productmanufacturer, photo_subtext, photo_alttext, setupcost, productdescriptionshort, productdescription, productfeatures, metatag_keywords, categoryids, optionids, photourl, photourl_large, donotallowbackorders, customfield1, customfield2, customfield3, customfield4, customfield5, photos_cloned_from

export database from Volusion

export database from Volusion


Please check list fields: customerID, accesskey, firstname, lastname, companyname, billingaddress1, billingaddress2, city, state, postalcode, country, phonenumber, faxnumber, emailaddress, emailsubscriber, lastmodified, customer_notes, createddate

export database from Volusion


Please check list fields: orderID, customerid, billingcompanyname, billingfirstname, billinglastname, billingaddress1, billingaddress2, billingcity, billingstate, billingpostalcode, billingcountry, billingphonenumber, billingfaxnumber, shipcompanyname, shipfirstname, shiplastname, shipaddress1, shipaddress2, shipcity, shipstate, shippostalcode, shipcountry, shipphonenumber, shipfaxnumber, shippingmethodid, totalshippingcost, salestaxrate, paymentamount, paymentmethodid, cardholdersname, creditcardexpdate, creditcardauthorizationnumber, creditcardtransactionid, bankname, orderdate, orderstatus, total_payment_received, total_payment_authorized, salestax1, salestax2, salestax3, ordernotes, order_comments, orderdateutc

export database from Volusion

Orders detail

Please check list fields:  orderdetailID, orderid, productcode, productname, quantity, productprice, totalprice, optionids, options, discounttype, discountvalue

export database from Volusion

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