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Can I migrate Blogs and Blog Posts to/from PrestaShop?

Yes, LitExtension supports migration of Blogs and Blog Posts to/from PrestaShop within the following platforms:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • BigCommerce

However, pay attention to the fact that an additional paid PrestaBlog (Professional blog) module needs to be installed before the migration.

This means that:

  • Only Blogs and Posts created with the help of PrestaBlog module will be moved to Shopify / WooCommerce / BigCommerce.
  • Shopify / WooCommerce / BigCommerce Blogs and Blog Posts can be migrated to PrestaShop store with PrestaBlog module installed only.

Note.This option is supported for PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x. In case you’re migrating data to multiple PrestaShop stores, your blogs and posts will be moved to a default store, even despite mapping them in the Migration Wizard.

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