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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

Recent Data Migration

What is Recent Data Migration and when to use it

Recent Data Migration allows you to migrate new entities that are added to your Source Store during or after the initial data migration.

During the migration process, your Source Store will operate normally, therefore, it might still receive new entities, e.i. new orders from customers. In that case, you have to transfer the latest data in your old store to your new store. That’s when our Recent Data Migration comes to help.

Note: LitExtension supports unlimited Recent Data migrations for FREE within 3 months after the first full migration under the condition that the additional entities are fewer than 10% of initial migration entities. The exceeding data will be charged accordingly.

How to perform Recent Data Migration?

Follow the steps below to perform Recent Data Migration that helps to transfer all these new entities to your Target Site free and unlimited within 3 months after the full migration.

Get back to LitExtension Migration Page, and find your previous migration based on the Migration ID sent to your email and click on the Remigrate button.

  • On the My Migration Page, find your previous migration based on the Migration ID sent to your email and click “Recent Migration” button.

recent data migration

  • Select the entities that may be different from the migrated ones after the initial migration.

Recent Data Migration

  • After finishing the Recent Data Migration, please hit the button “Check result” so you can go directly to your new site to check the outcome. 

Note: Remember to check on both the frontend and backend of your website.

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