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LitExtension Customized Migration Services

CSV File Migration

CSV File Migration Service allows you to migrate data from CSV files to a new shopping cart. 

Choosing to migrate from CSV files is crucial when you don’t want any parties to directly intervene in your data, due to security reasons. CSV file migration is also helpful when you’re selling on your brick-and-mortar store only, or your online store has collapsed. In that case, LitExtension makes sure to transfer your data using CSV files from your Source Store to your Target Store securely and accurately.

Due to the complexity of the task, the CSV File Migration will be performed by LitExtension experts. We will make sure the data compatibility between your CSV files and the Target Store so that your data will be transferred accurately and seamlessly.

Let’s have a quick overview of how the CSV File Migration is processed by LitExtension.

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Database Dump Migration

Database Dump Migration Service allows you to migrate data to your Target Store by using Database Dump.

This comes in handy when you want to save your server from any external access. Also, Database Dump Migration Service provides an opportunity to perform a successful migration to a new eCommerce platform even if your old website collapses.

To perform the migration, LitExtension experts will import your website’s database file into LitExtension’s special database application. This app will read, map and/or recover your original data if needed. After that, your data will be transferred directly and automatically to your new store. The structure and relation of your entities will be preserved exactly.

Here’s how we perform the Database Dump Migration:

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3. Customization Package

In case your Source Cart contains data fields that do not exist in your Target Cart’s database, it will require some extra work to complete the migration.

LitExtension’s Customization Package is what you need in that case. Our experts will create data fields in your Target Cart’s system and help you migrate all the custom data.

This process may require some certain information provisions. Therefore, our experts will carefully consult with you beforehand to make sure that we fully understand your data specifications.

Master Data Migration Testing: FREE Expert Tips & Actionable Checklists for Seamless Migrations!
Master Migration Testing: FREE Tips & Checklists