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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

LitExtension Packages and Pricing

We make sure to deliver the best experience to our customers by providing different packages suitable for different needs. Read below for a detailed explanation of the packages we offer.

Basic Migration Package

Basic Migration is the service that provides users with an easy-to-use tool that automates the data migration process.

After preparing your stores for migration, you can utilize LitExtension’s automated tool to migrate all of your data from the Source Cart to the Target Cart easily, accurately and securely. The migration process consists of 3 simple steps: 

  • Fill in your stores’ information
  • Select entities and choose additional options to migrate
  • Perform Demo and Full Migration

There will be a wizard to walk you through each step of the process. We will cover more details on how to perform the steps in the latter part of this guide.

During and after the data migration, your store still operates normally, meaning you can still receive new orders and new customers. What you have to do next is complete setting up your new store.

All-in-One Migration Package

The All-In-One Migration Package covers the whole process of e-store replatforming, from preparation, to data migration and post-migration activities. The package is designed to save your time and minimize your manual effort.

With this package, all your work will be handled by a Personal Assistant (PA). All you need to do is provide your Source Store and Target Store’s information. The expert is in charge of migration execution from start to finish and will regularly update you on the progress. 

After the migration is completed, the PA will check the migration results, test on both front-end and back-end to make sure that your new store can work seamlessly as soon as it is delivered to you.

LitExtension will also ensure a response time of 12 hours after you submitted a ticket to us. If you have any special requirements, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can quickly assist you.

How to choose the package that suits you?

1. Basic Migration Package

Basic Package includes 3 simple steps that you have to follow to perform the migration. With LitExtension cutting-edge technology, you can run migration themselves with little time and effort taken. 

Basic Package is perfect choice for you when:

  • Your store contains basic and a limited number of data: With simple data such as products, customers and orders, you can confidently perform the migration with our state-of-the-art tool with no technical support needed. All of the data will be automatically, accurately and securely transferred to your Target Store within hours.
  • You are confident with your technical base: With Basic Package you have full control over the migration as you are in charge of the migration preparation, migration process and post migration activities. Hence, you should know your way around the dashboard of both stores for any modification or testing.
  • The Target Cart/Platform is familiar to you: Simple as the migration may seem, unforeseen issues may arise, like when you have to install appropriate apps, or add needed fields before the migration. Thus, you are supposed to be familiar with the structure of the Target site to solve problems as quickly as possible.

2. All-in-One Migration Package

All-in-One package is designed for any e-merchants who desire to have flawless migration projects with little time spent, no technical skills required and dedicated support from a Personal Assistant. 

All-in-One Migration Package is right solution for you when:

  • You have an enormous database that needs migrating : When choosing the AIO package, the huge amount of existing data is guaranteed to be safely transferred to the Target site by our Personal Assistant, aka LitExtension expert. They will ensure the best conditions for your migration, perform the migration and ascertain the proper operation of your new store after the migration.
  • You have special requirements: Our Personal Assistant will satisfy your demand on the new platform. You can request us to set up a Target Cart, adjust code or migrate specific entities. Just let us know what you need, we will fulfill it.
  • Experts are needed to ensure your store’s normal operation: There are several crucial steps you have to follow after the migration to make sure your store on a new platform runs smoothly. With AIO Package, you won’t have to get your hands dirty as our Personal Assistant will fully handle the rest and deliver a good and ready store to you.

Customization Package

In case your Source Cart contains data fields that do not exist in your Target Cart’s database, it will require some extra work to complete the migration.

LitExtension’s Customization Package is what you need in that case. Our experts will create data fields in your Target Cart’s system and help you migrate all the custom data.

This process may require some certain information provision. Therefore, our experts will carefully consult with you beforehand to make sure that we fully understand your data specifications.

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