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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

Free Demo Migration

To help you better visualize the migration process, LitExtension offers Free Demo Migration for every customer. With the Demo Migration, 20 entities (20 products and 20 customers and 20 orders,…) can be directly transferred from your Source Cart to the Target Cart. You will be experiencing the actual process of the Full Migration. 

Right after running the Demo Migration, you can check the result on the Target Cart and evaluate the effectiveness, security and accuracy of our tool before officially performing the Full Migration.

With a small amount of time and effort to put in, you will enormously benefit from the Free Demo Migration. With a Demo Migration, you will beneficially: 

  • Get the idea of our service and system.
  • Ensure the process is exactly what you expect from the tool.
  • Have us solve any problems that arise before the full migration.
  • Know that the migration is well worth your investment.

Data-Driven Insights for Your Ecommerce Platform Migration: 2024 Report & Expert Tips
FREE eCommerce migration report with in-house data