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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

How to check the number of products on your CommerceHQ shop?

To estimate how much it costs to migrate from/to CommerceHQ, you should know how many entities you have on the site. With three simple steps, you can check the number of entities on CommerceHQ eCommerce platform. Follow the detailed instructions below to perform it. Let’s start!

Step 1: Number of products

On your Admin panel, click Products>Product List.

Check the number of products on CommerceHQ

Step 2: Number of customers

On your Admin panel, click Customers.

On the Customer List, click the All customers link at the top to display the Refine view box.

Check number of Customers on CommerceHQ

Step 3: Number of order

On your Admin panel, click Orders>Orders.

On the Orders page, pay attention to the All Orders link at the top.

Check number of Orders on CommerceHQ

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