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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

How to get API from BigCommerce

To generate BigCommerce API Credentials, you need to retrieve API credentials from your Bigcommerce admin account. 

1. Click + Create API Token under SettingsAccount-level API Tokens.

2. Type a name for the application or integration that corresponds to the API token. After that, copy or write down the API path since you’ll need it to access the API account.

bigcommerce api name

Account name and path for account-level API

3. Identify the API resources and access rights that your app or integration needs under OAuth Scopes. You should be aware that you can choose more than one from each resource.

bigcommerce api oauth scopes

Account-level API accounts allow for the specification of the following OAuth scopes:

  • Subscriptions: Email marketing and abandoned cart subscriptions can be seen or canceled in the subscriptions section of your store.
  • Checkouts: View or create checkouts for storefronts.
  • Charges: Utilize the Payments API to add or remove charges.
  • Account: View account details for GraphQL at the Account level.
  • Account stores: Access data for stores associated with the account for GraphQL at the Account level.
  • Account Apps: Access information about the account’s apps using GraphQL at the Account level.
  • Accounts users: Account-level GraphQL users can view, edit, or delete information about other account users.

Click Save whenever you’re done making changes. The pop-up seen below will appear after a successful save.

bigcommerce api

Your browser will invite you to download a.txt file containing the same credentials for safekeeping on your computer. It will contain the API credentials that your app will need for OAuth access.

Note: When you dismiss the API pop-up, there is no way to bring it back. Make sure to save your login information by either retaining the downloaded.txt file or copying and pasting the text of each field from the pop-up. As this credential is used alongside the token for all API calls, we advise adding the API Path value from Step 2 to it.

Tutorial Video

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