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How to check the number of entities on HikaShop

With three simple steps, you can check the number of entities on HikaShop platform. Follow the detailed instructions below to perform it, let’s start!

Step 1: Check the number of entities on HikaShop – Customers

Go to Components > Hikashop > Users in your Joomlart admin menu. In the top or bottom left of the page, you will see the total quantity of customers in your shopping cart.

HikaShop Customers

Step 2: Check the number of products on HikaShop

Now, let’s check other entities on HikaShop. According to the same principle, you can check the number of other entities such as products, orders very quickly.

Number of Products: Components > Hikashop – Products Tab

HikaShop Products 

Step 3: Check the number of orders

Similar to checking the number of orders, go to Sales, and select Orders to check how many orders exist in your store.

Number of Orders: Components > Hikashop > Orders

HikaShop Orders e1614328366320
Here are the simple steps you could do to check the number of entities on HikaShop.
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