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How to check the number of entities on Jimdo

To estimate how much it costs to migrate from/to Jimdo, you should know how many entities you have on the site. With three simple steps, you can check the number of entities on the Jimdo platform. Follow the detailed instructions below to perform it. Let’s start!

1. Check the number of products on Jimdo

To see how many products are available in your current store, on the left in the admin panel, please click on Menu > Shop > Product List. The number of total products will appear at the top right of the page, as highlighted in the image below.

Check entities Jimdo

2. Check the number of customers on Jimdo

Unfortunately, Jimdo does not have a separate page for customer management. You can only estimate the number of customers by the number of orders which will be shown in the following instructions.

3. Check the number of orders on Jimdo

To see how many products are available in your current store, on the left in the admin panel, please click on Menu > Shop > Order Archive. The total number of orders will be approximately equal to the number of orders on each page multiplied by the number of pages. You could click on the double arrows in the top right to see the final page as highlighted in the image below.

Check entities Jimdo

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