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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

How to check the number of products on your CoreCommerce shop?

CoreCommerce is a simple and fast eCommerce solution that enables companies and individuals to create and operate their own online store. It comes loaded with multiple features as well as security functions that are topnotch.

To estimate how much it costs to migrate from/to CoreCommerce, you should know how many entities you have on the site. With three simple steps, you can check the number of entities on the CoreCommerce eCommerce platform. Follow the detailed instructions below to perform it.

Let’s start!

Step 1: Number of products

Go to InventoryView or Manage Products Products Export



Step 2: Number of customers

Customers View or Manage Customers → Export Customers

Customer Setting

Customer Setting

Optional (but recommended): Manually add one customer so that you can export a CSV file and see what fields and variables are needed for importing.

The CSV file will automatically download to your computer. You can then open the file and use the data in it as a reference to set up your import file.

Step 3: Number of orders

Go to OrdersView or Manage Orders → Select Action.

Order Main Menu

Here you can Export All Orders, Export All Current Orders (This will export the current filtered selection of orders).

Check number of orders

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