With three simple steps, you can check the number of entities on Adobe Business Catalyst platform. Follow the detailed instruction below to perform it, let’s started!
Step 1: Access your Business Catalyst Admin Panel
Step 2: Check the number of products on Business Catalyst
To see how many products are available in your current store, go to Menu Bar on the left , click E-Commerce” then choose Products, Filters choose View. All product will be shown as the picture below, so you can count the total products on Business Catalyst.
- The number of products on Business Catalyst
Step 3: Check the number of order on Business Catalyst
To check how many orders are available in your current store. On the admin panel -> Chooose CRM tab -> Order , you will see the total orders as the pictures below.
- The number of orders on Business Catalyst
Step 4: Check the numbers of customers on Business Catalyst
Currently, LitExtension only supports importing customers who already had orders. So here are steps to check the number of customers. On the admin panel -> choose Report -> click Add Customer Report -> Report Type : Customers and Orders -> click Next -> Select all fields -> click Next -> Click Generate Report button. After that, the customers who already had orders will be dislayed as the image below!
- The numbers of customers on Business Catalyst