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SEO URLs Migration & 301 Redirects

The service allows you to migrate Products and Categories URLs from your Source Store to the Target Store. The maintained URLs will help keep the SEO ranking that you have built up for years.

Why You Need SEO URLs Migration?

Embark on a migration adventure with LitExtension’s remarkable SEO URLs migration and 301 redirects service! Seamlessly shift your online store or website to a new platform while safeguarding your hard-earned search engine rankings.

With their expert team by your side, enjoy a hassle-free journey as they analyze your URL structures, craft tailor-made 301 redirects, and provide support for various platforms. Preserve your organic traffic, captivate your users, and embark on a migration experience like never before!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps a website rank in search engines with given queries. SEO URLs are of great importance as it contains all the power score Google gives to a page to rank.

Therefore, when moving to another platform, you need to make sure that you can maintain that score. In other words, you have to maintain SEO URLs.

What happens if you can’t? Your customers will meet 404 not found error when accessing your website. In the end, this will negatively affect your customer’s experience and SEO ranking.

Of course, you don’t want any of this. Luckily, LitExtension has a solution to the problem. During your migration with us, you can select the option “Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs” to transfer all the important SEO URLs from your Source Store to the Target Store automatically.

Important Note:
  • This service is available for every eCommerce platform except for Shopify.
  • The plugin should be installed only on the Target Cart.
  • For additional information on your SEO URLs Migration, please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
Download and Installation

Since PrestaShop and WooCommerce don’t have fields to enter SEO URLs by default, you have to download specific plugins to perform SEO URLs migration for these two platforms.

To set up, you should download the SEO URLs Plugin package above, extract it and read the “read_me.txt” and follow the setup guide.

Why You Need 301 Redirects Option?

This option allows you to automatically & permanently redirect your old URL path to the new one during the migration.

By creating 301 Redirects, you send a signal to search engines and allow them to keep their index up-to-date. As a result, you can maintain your SEO ranking and customer experience after the website re-platforming.

Each eCommerce platform has its own ways of displaying URL paths. In order to get your URLs structured after the migration, LitExtension creates a 301 Redirects option.

  • The redirect practice is an effective way to send the message to both your customers and the search engines that the page has already been removed.
  • With the 301 Redirect option, after the migration, whenever customers access your old URLs, they will be automatically redirected to the new ones.

(Changing your store URL doesn’t mean that you have to buy a whole new domain)

Your URL without 301 Redirect:
Your URL after LitExtension’s 301 Redirect:

The key difference between the 301 Redirect option and SEO URLs migration is that while the former creates two URLs, the later only allows one work. As a result, the 301 Redirect option passes all the power scores to your new URL.

Important Note:

This service is available for every eCommerce platform except for OpenCart.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why products are not displayed correctly on PrestaShop after migration?

In case your current e-store products are associated with combinations, you should check whether the product has the EAN13 field and the PrestaShop store configuration (Route to Products) contains the field *{-:ean13}*. Click here for further details.

SEO 301 redirections do not work after migration on WooCommerce

If you don’t find the SEO 301 redirects working, please follow these steps to check:

  • Go check and ensure that the plugin LitExtension SEO Plugin is activated.
  • If Source Stores uses http, the Target Store must also use http. Similarly, if Source Store uses https, the Target Store must use https too.
The URLs on migrated products/categories are incorrect on Magento

You may need to clear the Magento cache and rebuild the SEO Links for categories/products after migration.

Please log into your Magento admin section, go to System -> Cache Management

Clear caches and rebuild all sections.

Can you maintain the URL structure of Source Store after migration?

Each platform has its own structure and rule to write the website address. Therefore when you move your store to a new platform, you cannot keep the same URL by default. There are many sites that users have been building up and developing to have a certain position in Google ranking. It will be a huge damage to your online business if customers cannot find your site at a good place as usual, and they are likely to come to other choices. Even you find a solution to enhance new links, your regular customers could not find your website with the old address and probably meet “404 page not found” error.

Especially, it would be a huge damage if they already registered an account or placed orders in your store. Certainly, while re-platforming for a better customer’s experience, no merchant wants to lose customers.

Download and Install SEO Migration plugin?

The SEO migration plugin helps you migrate Products and Categories URLs. Old URLs will be saved in Target Store and maintained to keep all current SEO ranking you have built up for years. It will be customized by our team to fit 100% of your Source store URL structure.

The LitExtension SEO URLs Plugin is available for download here. To set up, you should download the SEO URLs Plugin package above, extract it, and read the read_me.txt and follow the setup guide.

Can I create URLs redirects when migrating to Shopify?

You can create URLs redirect for your store when migrating to Shopify. As a result, your old store URLs can still work normally after migration.

During migration configuration, on the second step, choose 301 Redirect in additional options. Then after finishing your migration and changing domain back to the old one, your new shop can work normally.

How to create 301 redirects when migrating to Prestashop?

Creating 301 redirects allows you to preserve SEO for your pages and products. The old addresses will be migrated to the new site and after that, customers will be led automatically to the new site without meeting 404 error even when you remove the old store permanently.

After purchasing, you will receive a module and installation guide from LitExtension, Then, when you are in the second step of the migration, simply choose 301 redirects and process to the next step as normal. And now you’re done!

How to create 301 redirects to WooCommerce?

Absolutely! In order to keep your product’s ranking on Google and to ensure that old addresses can continue working normally without 404 error, LitExtension supports you with 301 redirects to WooCommerce. Click here for further details.

Why can’t I create 301 redirects in my BigCommerce migration?

In BigCommerce this feature is available only within a paid store plan. Therefore, to create 301 redirects in BigCommerce migration, it is necessary to upgrade your current store to a paid store plan.

Will LitExtension create 301 redirects to my new products/categories after migration from/to Shopify?

Yes, LitExtension creates redirects during migrations from/to Shopify. To make that possible, choose “Create 301 redirects on your target store after migration” option in “Additional Options” section. Click here for further details.

Why Choose LitExtension

#1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert
#1 Shopping Cart Migration Provider

We offer a state-of-the-art migration solution at the most reasonable price. You can upgrade your store with ease, high speed, and utmost accuracy.

No Technical Skill Needed
No Technical Skill Needed

All shopping cart migration steps are simplified to reduce human involvement. Get a hands-off migration experience with LitExtension!

100% Uptime
100% Uptime

We keep your store active normally during re-platforming. No sales disruption!

24/7 Professional Support
24/7 Professional Support

A dedicated support team is right at your fingertips via ticket, phone, live chat, and email. They are available 24/7 even on holidays to support you.

3Month Migration Assurance
3-Month Migration Assurance

Ensure no missing data with 3 months of Free & Unlimited Recent Migrations, Re-migrations and Smart Update.

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30-Day Money Back Guarantee

To prove confidence in our services and their value to you, we provide a 30-day money back guarantee.

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