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CoreCommerce to Shopify Migration

This case study explores the successful migration of a leading US gemstone supplier from CoreCommerce to Shopify. Seeking a platform that offered greater scalability, enhanced functionality, and a more user-friendly interface, the client entrusted LitExtension to handle their comprehensive data migration. Keep reading to see how we delivered a solution tailored to their needs!

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Data We Successfully Migrated






Custom Data

About Our Client

Our client is one of the largest supplier of tumbling rough rocks, gems, and minerals in the USA. They offer an impressive selection of rough rocks, tumbled polished stones, and faceted gems. Most of their rocks are perfect for rock tumbling, crafting cabochons, wire wrap jewelry, and other creative projects. Customers can purchase these rocks for multiple purposes, such as birthday parties, gem-panning or sluicing operations, and even mineral ID kits.

As their business grew, our client realized the limitations of their CoreCommerce platform. They needed a solution that could scale with their expanding product catalog and growing customer base. Shopify, with its strong infrastructure and ability to handle high traffic and transactions, was the perfect choice to support their future growth.

Our Client’s Requirements

Our client wanted a complete migration of their online store from CoreCommerce to Shopify. This included the transfer of all essential data, including products, customers, orders, and other core elements.

To enhance the functionality and SEO of their new Shopify store, they also requested the following Additional Options:

  • Create 301 Redirects for All URLs; – Preserve Old Order IDs;
  • Strip HTML Tags from Product/Category Names;
  • Transfer Images from Product and Category Descriptions.

The Challenges

During the demo migration, the LitExtension team ran into a unique data-linking challenge. The database extracted from CoreCommerce recognized products based on their names rather than unique product IDs. This caused a problem during the migration process: one product failed to link correctly to its corresponding record on Shopify. As a result, this product’s information was not transferred to the new platform.

Our Solution

To resolve the mentioned issue, the LitExtension experts had to manually link the product to its corresponding record on Shopify, ensuring that all product information was accurately transferred. In more detail, we gathered the product information from the CoreCommerce database, and then manually input the information into Shopify store.

After that, we ran the full migration from CoreCommerce to Shopify. Our team used a detailed data mapping process to ensure all data was transferred accurately. Custom mapping rules were also created to handle differences, ensuring product info, customer data, and orders were transferred correctly.

Last but not least, we move on to the Additional Options and post-migration services. Since they are going for our All-in-One Migration Service, these are all included in the package.

Project Timeline

Migration Preparation

  • Technical consultation: 2 days

Demo Migration

  • Run Demo Migration for all products, customers and orders entities: 2 days
  • Wait for client’s confirmation: 2 days

Full Migration

  • Run the Full Migration: 2 days
  • Test result: 1 day

Project Handling

  • Project reviewing based on client’s feedback: 2 days

What Customer Thinks About Us

“The team at LitExtension guided us through this project and where always on hand to sort out any issues. Many thanks!”

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