Aurora Hoang - LitExtension's Author

About Aurora Hoang

I’m Aurora Hoang, an e-commerce expert at LitExtension Blog. I have three years of experience in this exciting field, where I discover and innovate new ways to run successful online stores on open-source platforms.

I love to share my knowledge and insights with you, so you can thrive in the world of online retail. Join me on this captivating odyssey as we awaken the hidden potential of e-commerce!


Bachelor in Multimedia - Hanoi University.


Over the past 3 years, Aurora has dedicated herself to mastering the intricacies of this ever-evolving eCommerce industry and becoming a trusted writer in the field. More specifically, she gained hands-on experience with open-source platforms in the past and continues her passion to the present.

Aurora’s expertise lies in: Open-source platforms and solutions (WooCommerce, OpenCart, PrestaShop, etc.)


♦ 5+ years of creating content on social media channels and websites.

♦ Author of 80+ blog posts on LitExtension and other eCommerce-related sites.

♦ The mastermind behind LitExtension social media channels.

Personal's Quote

“Success is not about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives” - Michelle Obama.

Articles Aurora Has Written

Data-Driven Insights for Your Ecommerce Platform Migration: 2024 Report & Expert Tips!
FREE 2024 eCommerce migration report with in-house data