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How to Upgrade Magento in 3 Steps

No longer fit with Magento 1? Looking to upgrade your online store to another version of Magento? Look no further! LitExtension’s Magento upgrade service will seamlessly upgrade your Magento store, ensuring that all your data is preserved and your store is up and running in no time. 

The A-Z Magento upgrade process includes these below steps:

  • Step 1: Set up your Source and Target store of Magento upgrade
  • Step 2: Select Entities You Want To Migrate to Magento 2
  • Step 3: Perform Magento upgrade

In case you want to dig deep into a complete guide on Magento to Magento migration, please look at our comprehensive Magento Upgrade guide! Now, let’s head straight to 3 critical steps of the Magento to Magento migration service with LitExtension. 

Step 1: Set up your Magento stores information

Click the Create New Migration button in the top right corner of the Migration Page to start a new migration. When prompted, select Magento as your source cart and provide its URL. The connector can then be downloaded by clicking LitExtension Connector after that. To upgrade Magento, this connector will establish a link to your outdated store. Upload it to the root folder of Source Store after unzipping it.

Source Cart Setup

The Connector Installation will be automatically reviewed and informed on the screen in this instance for upgrading without manual review.

Repeat the same Magento upgrade process configuration procedure for the target store after that. Download the LitExtension Connector, unzip it, and then upload the connector to the root folder of the Target Store.

At this step of upgrade, you may encounter some connector setup issues regarding permission but that’s alright, we’ve summed them up and provided solutions alongside. Besides, a helpful support team already awaits you there for your Magento to Magento service needs. See how the problems are resolved here!

Step 2: Select Entities You Want To Migrate To Magento 2

You can either choose all your data or only choose the necessary ones in Magento upgrade.

Choose entities to migrate

However, at this point, if wanted, you can choose extra choices that will aid in extending the capabilities of the Magento 2 Upgrade. LitExtension has created tools to assist you in resolving significant issues that arise during Magento 1 to 2 migration. For instance, you can use Magento upgrade service to generate 301 redirects to your target store to lessen the SEO impact of migrating.

In this stage, you can also map order statuses and client groupings. Select the relevant descriptions and data for Magento 2’s upgrade.

Additonal Options

Step 3: Perform Magento upgrade

  • To Try Demo: Begin by upgrading it with a small selection of entities. Identical actions as the real migration will be seen. However, you can jump straight to Full Migration and begin the Magento upgrade by selecting the “Skip Demo Migration” button.
  • To Complete Full Migration: To complete full upgrade right away, please click the “Skip Demo Migration” option. After the trial upgrade, our tool will offer you a report with the number of entities you’ve chosen to move.

So, don’t hesitate to do Magento upgrade service with LitExtension since the process is easy peasy! If you aren’t tech-savvy, leave your Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration in good hands with our All-in-One Migration Package.

Our Magento upgrading experts will relieve you of the burden of manual labor and handle the migration with a personal assistant and no-cost additional choices.

If you have any problems during your stay or upgrade, get in touch with one of our agents—we’re pleased to help!

Magento 1 to Magento 2

5 Reasons Why Magento Upgrade Is An Optimal Choice

#1 Magento gives you complete control over your monthly pricing 

Magento eCommerce is an open-source platform. Which means it doesn’t charge any penny for monthly subscriptions. Hence, when opting for Magento pricing, you will have complete control over how much you spend to maintain your business. 

The overall operating cost depends mainly on your chosen hosting provider, third-party plugins, and other development services.

#2 Magento opens the door for unlimited customization options

Magento allows all users to intervene deeply with their website source code. You gain the freedom to tweak, add, or remove any element of your online store. As long as your virtual presence does not go against Magento regulations, this platform sets no boundaries to website design. 

You can add custom code to Magento to add some personal touches to your website

In short, Magento to Magento migration would be a great solution if you are looking for a platform that grants you complete control over your site.

#3 Magento is built to scale up and expand your business easily

Magento is designed to scale with the growth of your business. It can handle a large number of products, orders, and concurrent users. Hence, even if you are running a high-volume online store, Magento can always cater to your needs.

On top of that, if you are planning to sell globally, Magento has all the localization features needed for your international business. It supports multi-languages, multi-currencies, and multi-store management in one single dashboard.

Easily appeal to customers from other countries with Magento language package

#4 Magento is packed with an extensive selection of apps to enhance your business

There’s no doubt that Magento is one of the platforms that offer the widest variety of third-party plugins. This eCommerce solution currently has over 3,800 add-ons on its Magento Marketplace, divided into 9 categories. It can be right at your service no matter what functionality you want to integrate.

#5 Magento provides a safe and secure eCommerce platform for your business

Despite being an open-source eCommerce platform, Magento security is always heightened. This platform implements several strict measures based on the Adobe Secure Product Lifecycle to protect its users from cyber attacks and illegal data extraction.

For example, Magento has rolled out strengthened hashing algorithms to manage your passwords better. Additionally, this platform also complies with industry security standards, regulations, and certifications like PCI compliance, GDRP, and SSL.

When is the Perfect Time to Perform the Magento Upgrade?

If your current online store is experiencing any of the following issues, it is advisable to consider a Magento 1 to 2 migration service in the near future:

#1 You want complete control over your website but the current platform has several limitations

#2 The loading speed of your website is so slow that it might cause frustration to customers

#3 Your business has scaled up, and your current eCommerce platform cannot meet your demand

#4 Your current website has crashed, and you want to switch to Magento

6 Tips to Optimize Your Store After the Magento Upgrade

Now that all your data has been successfully transferred to your new Magento store, it’s time to optimize it. These actions will ensure a smooth and seamless experience for your customer when shopping on your site.

#1 Enable Full Page Cache (FPC) to reduce server response time and improve your site speed

#2 Compress and optimize all your media files, including images, videos, and other visual assets.

#3 Minify CSS and JavaScript by eliminating unnecessary characters, whitespaces, and comments

#4 Optimize database performance 

#5 Configure your server settings like PHP data limit, execution time, and MySQL configuration

#6 Include relevant keywords in meta tags. 

Which Shopping Carts Can Be Migrated to Magento?

Proud to be a top Magento migration expert, LitExtension can help you transfer all your data from 140+ eCommerce platforms to Magento accurately and securely.

Here are some of the most popular Magento migration pairs that LitExtension supports, beside Magento to Magento service:

  • Shopify to Magento
  • BigCommerce to Magento
  • WooCommerce to Magento
  • Volusion to Magento
  • OpenCart to Magento
  • WordPress to Magento
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