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  5. Is there any bad effect on Source store when I install Connector?

Is there any bad effect on Source store when I install Connector?

Definitely not.

Connector exists for migration purposes only, which make the data exchange possible. By installing it you allow our service to copy, and by no means modify the data you’d like to move to a target store. With each Connector, we provide a unique Security Token. Such a measure will let no user, except you, access your source store database. And once the migration is done, it is totally safe to delete the Connector.

Learn more LitExtension Security Policy

Also, please note the following:

  • The connector can migrate data from a database with READ permission only
  • We strongly recommend to turn off your website redirects to ensure the proper function of the Connector files. Go to “http://[yourstore url]/le_connector/connector.php” to check if you need to turn off the redirects. If the link is redirecting you to another location, disable the redirects in your .htaccess file, a hidden file residing in your “shop” folder.

Please, do not remove Connector files from your FTP during the data transfer process. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee proper migration results. You will be able to delete Connector files right after your store migration is over.


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