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  5. How can I migrate Source Store categories/subcategories into Shopify?

How can I migrate Source Store categories/subcategories into Shopify?

Shopify has a distinct system for organizing categories and subcategories. In Shopify, categories are referred to as collections, while subcategories are structured using product tags. There are two types of collections: manual and automated.

  • Manual: Add products to this collection one by one, meaning you will select each product and assign it to the right collection.
  • Smart: A smart collection uses selection conditions to automatically include matching products. You can add up to 60 selection conditions, and you can specify whether products need to meet all conditions or any condition to be included in the collection.

The Additional Option “Migrate Source Store categories into Shopify Smart Collections” ensures that your product categories and subcategories will be transferred to first-level automated (smart) collections. Products will receive tags and be organized into the corresponding collections, maintaining all the relationships between the subcategories from the source store.

It is highly advisable to select this additional option when migrating product categories and subcategories to Shopify, as it will save you considerable time and effort in manually organizing tags into collections. If you opt not to choose this option, first-level categories will migrate into collections, but products will receive tags without being organized according to the source store’s structure.

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