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Shopping Cart Migration Guide

This documentation is designed to equip you for a seamless experience using LitExtension! Read on to gain all the required knowledge about cart migration, including a demonstration of the migration process, what you need to prepare before and after the migration.

How to export CSV Files from NopCommerce?

Currently, NopCommerce only allows you to export the following data:

  • Products (without reviews, images, tax)
  • Categories
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Manufacturers

You need to login to your nopCommerce Store Administration before exporting any data.

To get the CSV file of products, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Open Catalog Menu -> Products -> Manage Products page.
  2. You can find Export options at the main page top left.
  3. Choose to export all or only selected products from the Export dropdown list. A table representing product info, SEO, pictures, and other attributes will be downloaded.

How to export data to CSV Files from NopCommerce?

export nopcommerce data


NopCommerce Export

Please note that your product attributes will be grouped by rows in the exported table. To view attribute details click the symbol “+” next to your product in the table.

export nopcommerce data 3

  • To export categories, you need to go to Catalog -> Categories -> List and click Export to XML.
  • To export orders, step to Sales -> Orders, click on Export to XML (all found). When exporting orders to XML format, you cannot export shipping and billing address. To export these two, you have to choose XLS format (export to Excel), however, by this way, you will not have Order Items. Therefore, in order to export all of them, you need to combine two files in two formats.
  • To export customers, direct to Сustomers -> Customers, click on Export to XML (all found).
  • To export manufacturers, go to Catalog -> Manufacturers, click on Export to XML.
  • You will need to convert XML files to CSV after exporting all of your needed data files.

There’re also other ways to export nopCommerce Data.

Have Any Questions?

Please do not hesitate to visit Help Center or Contact Us for further assistance.

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